Summer is here, days and nights are becoming hot and tyring. So, what can you do to stay cool and relax when the heat starts getting unbearable?
Firstly, best way is to have air conditioning which keep your home cool, but everyone can not afford it, so here are some free tips which can keep your home cool in this hot summer:
1. Draw blinds or curtains
Draw blinds or curtains on windows and doors to keep sunlight out during the day and especially on windows and doors that get direct sun.
2. Keep windows open while cooking and use an extractor fan to reduce steam and heat.
3. Ventilate your home
keep doors or windows open at opposite ends of the house to create a through-draught, or cross ventilation. However keep the front door and windows lock and closed if possible for security reasons
4. Swap your sheets
Use cotton sheets and pillow covers as cotton fabric breathes easier and stays cooler.
5. Let the night air comes in
Temperatures may drop during the night. So try to open windows for sometime before going to bed. You can even keep your fan on so that air can ventilate in the room and other surrounding areas.